NewsJun 17, 2021
Yaskawa Electric Co., Ltd. (Head Office: Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture; Representative Director and President: Hiroshi Ogasawara) announced the disclosure of climate change-related information based on the TCFD*¹ recommendations.
In its YASKAWA ECO VISION*², YASKAWA Group aims to further contribute by reducing the environmental impact of its production activities as a green process, improving the environmental performance of its products through technological capabilities, and reducing the environmental impact of society through its products as green products.
In September 2019, we expressed our support for the TCFD Recommendations, and in September 2020, we participated in the Ministry of the Environment in Japan TCFD Support Program for Scenario Analysis of Climate Risks and Opportunities. Hereby we disclosed climate change related information based on the TCFD recommendations. Going forward, we will continue to enhance the disclosure of climate change related information and continue our business activities with even greater consideration for the environment in order to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and further increase our corporate value.
[Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations]
*1 TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures): The task force was set up by the Financial Stability Board (FSB: Financial Stability Board) in December 2015, an international organization for stabilizing the financial system. In June 2017, it published a proposal for “Supporting companies that disclose information on climate-related risks and opportunities” and “Stabilize financial markets through a smooth transition to a low-carbon society”.
*2 About the Yaskawa Group’s Environmental Vision “YASKAWA ECO VISION”